Types of masks
Types Availability Construction Fit Regulatory considerations and standards Respirators Commercially available. Available in a variety of sizes, including smaller sizes that could be used for children Construction materials may vary but must meet filtration standard...Read more -
Why wearing a mask is important agaisnt COVID-19
COVID-19 will continue to spread at different levels in our communities, and outbreaks will still occur. Masks are one of the most effective individual public health measures that we can use to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19. When layered with other public health measures, a well-cons...Read more -
What is FFP1, FFP2, FFP3
FFP1 mask FFP1 mask is the least filtering mask of the three. Aerosol filtration percentage: 80% minimum Internal leak rate: maximum 22% It is mainly used as a dust mask (for example for DIY jobs). Dust can cause lung diseases, such as silicosis, anthracosis, siderosis and asbestosis (in particul...Read more -
What is EN149?
EN 149 is a European standard of testing and marking requirements for filtering half masks. Such masks cover the nose, mouth and chin and may have inhalation and/or exhalation valves. EN 149 defines three classes of such particle half masks, called FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3, (where FFP stands for filte...Read more -
Differences between medical face masks and respiratory protection
Medical face masks A medical or surgical face mask primarily reduces the (potentially infectious) saliva/mucus droplets of the wearer's mouth/nose entering the environment. The wearer's mouth and nose can be protected by the mask again...Read more -
What is Type I, Type II and Type IIR?
Type I Type I medical face masks should only be used for patients and other persons to reduce the risk of spread of infections particularly in epidemic or pandemic situations. Type I masks are not intended for use by healthcare professionals in an operating room or in other medical settings with ...Read more